
Krushnachandra Panigrahy

Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology
Gandhinagr - 582 355,

My research interest is on tensor computation. Tensors are higher-order generalizations of vectors and matrices. In particular, a scalar is a zeroth-order tensor, a vector is a first-order tensor and a matrix is a second-order tensor.

Research interests:

  • Numerical linear and mutilinear algebra- Matrix and Tensor Computation

Research Profiles:

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Recent Publications

  1. Nirmal Chandra Rout, Krushnachandra Panigrahy, and Debasisha Mishra. "A note on numerical ranges of tensors." Linear and Multilinear Algebra 71 (16) (2023): 2645-2669.
  2. Krushnachandra Panigrahy, and Debasisha Mishra. "A note on a faster fixed point iterative method." The Journal of Analysis 31 (1) (2023): 831-854.
  3. Krushnachandra Panigrahy, Debasisha Mishra, and Juan Manuel Peña. "On C-tensor and its application to eigenvalue localization." Linear and Multilinear Algebra 70 (21) (2022): 6279-6296.
  4. Krushnachandra Panigrahy, and Debasisha Mishra. "Extension of Moore–Penrose inverse of tensor via Einstein product." Linear and Multilinear Algebra 70 (4) (2022): 750-773.
  5. Krushnachandra Panigrahy, and Debasisha Mishra. "On reverse-order law of tensors and its application to additive results on Moore–Penrose inverse." Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas 114 (4) (2020): 184.
    Click here for full list of publications

Publications by Journal

Journal Name Number of Publications
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Linear Multilinear Algebra
AMS MCQ: 0.88 (2022) Impact factor: 1.1 (2022)
Five-year impact factor: 1.1 (2022)
Electronic ISSN: 1563-5139 Print ISSN: 0308-1087
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas. RACSAM
Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM
AMS MCQ: 0.95 (2022) Impact factor: 2.9 (2022)
Five-year impact factor: 2.1 (2022)
Electronic ISSN: 1579-1505 Print ISSN: 1578-7303
Advances in Operator Theory
Adv. Oper. Theory
AMS MCQ: 0.49 (2022) Impact factor: 0.8 (2022)
Five-year impact factor: 0.7 (2022)
Electronic ISSN: 2538-225X Print ISSN: 2662-2009
The Journal of Analysis
J. Anal.
AMS MCQ: 0.17 (2022) Impact factor: 0.8 (2022)
Five-year impact factor: -
Electronic ISSN: 2367-2501 Print ISSN: -


Work Experience

Reviewer/Referee work

Review work:

  • Mathematical Reviews

Referee work:

  • Filomat
  • IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
  • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
  • Journal of Mathematics

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